We are Glad to Announce Our Collaboration with Clever Gem

Get our styles directly on your website, seamlessly!

Clever Gem is a cloud-based networking platform empowering retailers
to increase their sales with the latest marketing tools.

Send an email to GET STARTED

Email to info@infinitymountings.com with a subject line:
Clever Gem X Infinity Mountings & Casting.

Jewelry Business into the Future

By connecting to Infinity Mountings in Clever Gem platform, you don't need to exchange spreadsheets or zip files of images. Take your online jewelry business into the future.

Connect Instantly

Connect with Infinity Mountings & Casting products instantly as they become available for sale online, including all new items.

Sell your choice of items via your own social media accounts such as Facebook and Instagram.

Enable drop shipping with ease and get rid of shipping sold items twice. This will reduce delivery times to your clients as well.

Use Infinity Website as your own with Clever Gem

With our collaboration, you can use your own logo and company details when you make a sale by using our own digital marketing tools, suich as imagery, videos and up-to-date live pricing.

Set Your Markup Retail Prices

Set markup prices on the items you are connected to: individually per item, a series of items or in bulk by price range. Your markup pricing will stay intact even if the vendor updates product information.

Utilize Marketing Modules & Sell More

By connecting to Infinity Mountings in Clever Gem platform, you don't need to exchange spreadsheets or zip files of images. Take your online jewelry business into the future.