In today's global markets, every choice we make impacts our local economy. While many major jewelry manufacturers claim, Made in America, most actually fail the requirements to make such a claim.
Infinity Mountings and Casting not only manufacturers all products in the USA, but also makes the effort to source its raw materials from companies that also produce in the USA and from ethical sources.

Our customer service representatives are based in the United States, in our premises, so you don't have to deal with a company that outsources. This in return gives us the ability to provide high quality customer service whilst supporting the local economy.
When we established Infinity Mountings and Casting, we wanted to bring high quality, affordable jewelry manufacturing back to being Made in the USA. This is our promise and foundation of our company.
We are located in the heart of New York City's jewelry industry. Every phase of our production is conducted in-house, within our 5,000 square foot facility. Our location gives us the ability to access talented craftspeople, equipment, prime resources and knowledge of the latest fashion trends.